Important Dates
Conference date: June 15-17, 2018
Registration deadline: May 30, 2018
Submission deadline: May 30, 2018
Registration deadline: May 30, 2018
Submission deadline: May 30, 2018
Forms for Downloading

IWEG 2018
June 15-17
Hangzhou, China
June 15-17
Hangzhou, China

Prohibit any form of academic dishonorable behaviors, including plagiarism, fraud, duplicate submission, etc. Otherwise, all consequences shall be borne by the author(s).
Publication: SciTePress Digital Library
Index: The publisher will submit the published papers to databases for index, including EI, CPCI, ect.

- IWEG2018 proceedings were published online at : - IWEG2018 was successfully held during June 15-17, 2018 in Hangzhou, China. The organizing committee would like to express our great gratitude to all the participants and authors, and hearted thanks to the reviewers.
- If you want to submit your full paper, the final deadline is the end of May.